
bird-cloud-gnn is a Python package that helps generate a graph representation from point cloud data and fits graph neural networks for classification problem

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What bird-cloud-gnn can do for you

bird-cloud-gnn is a Python package developed to generate graph representations from point cloud data. Utilising the Keras library, the software processes the point cloud data and further feeds it into a Graph Neural Network (GNN) for classification. Each point within the dataset is individually classified through the GNN.

A notable feature of the software is its ability to handle situations with limited labeled data. The software itself was motivated to overcome shortage of labeled data and augment it which significantly increased the amount labeled data by a factor 1000 (depending on chosen settings), thereby enhancing the model's performance and robustness.

In summary, bird-cloud-gnn leverages advanced neural network methodologies to efficiently classify point cloud data, addressing common challenges related to data scarcity through substantial augmentation.

Software can:

  • Generate graph representations from point cloud data.
  • Classify each point within the dataset using a Graph Neural Network (GNN).
  • Utilise the Keras library for efficient data processing and neural network implementation.
  • Address situations with limited labeled data through extensive data augmentation techniques.
  • Increase the amount of labeled data by a factor of approximately 1000, improving model performance.
  • Enhance the robustness of the classification model through significant data augmentation.
  • Leverage advanced neural network methodologies for efficient data classification.
  • Provide a flexible and scalable solution for point cloud data classification tasks.
Programming language
  • Python 100%
</>Source code

Participating organisations

Netherlands eScience Center
University of Amsterdam

Reference papers


Olga Lyashevska
Olga Lyashevska
Abel Soares Siqueira
Abel Soares Siqueira
Bart Hoekstra

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Updated 5 months ago