Allelic Variation Explorer

If you are studying how single nucleotide polymorphisms are clustered in genomic samples, then the Allelic Variation Explorer can help you visualize them.

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206 commitsLast commit ≈ 44 months ago1 star0 forks

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What Allelic Variation Explorer can do for you

  • It provides a genome browser with a track where the samples which have the same SNPs are clustered together, it can be used by bioinformations to explain why certain samples have the same phenotype
  • It takes variants of a large number of samples and for the requested genomic range it performs clustering and visualizes the clusters
  • the clustering is done quick and on the fly
  • the reference genome, gene and feature tracks are rendered from static files, so you don't need any application server just a static web server
Programming languages
  • Python 99%
  • AngelScript 1%
  • Dockerfile 1%
</>Source code

Participating organisations

Netherlands eScience Center
Wageningen University & Research


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Updated 6 months ago