All projects
Perfect Fit
Targeting key risk factors for cardiovascular disease in at-risk individuals using a personalized and adaptive approach
- Big data
- Machine learning
Remote sensing of damage feedbacks and ice shelf instability in Antarctica
Using remote sensing to develop damage indicators across all Antarctic ice shelves
- Big data
- Climate change
- Data Analysis
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Coronary artery disease: risk estimations and interventions for prevention and Early detection
- Big data
- federated learning
- Machine learning
Improving Open-Source Photogrammetric Workflows for Processing Big Datasets
Processing large datasets on consumer-grade computers
- Big data
- Workflow technologies
Reducing Energy Consumption in Radio-astronomical and Ultrasound Imaging Tools
- Big data
- High performance computing
Common Workflow Language
The reference CWL runner and other software from the Common Workflow Language open standards community.
- Big data
- High performance computing
- Standards
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Integrating Quantum Computers into a Radio Telescope
- Big data
- High performance computing
- Quantum Computing
An architecture for real Time big data processing for AMBER
- Big data
Improving the vantage6 federated learning ecosystem
- Big data
- Data Analysis
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City River Spaces, a tool for automated and scalable delineation of urban river spaces with spatial-temporal big data
- Big data
- Data Analysis
- geospatial
A database-integrated KM3NeT solution for automated processing
- Big data
- Data Analysis
- infrastructure
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Markets for Resilience or “Disaster Capitalism”?
A Multi-method Critical Discourse Analysis of OECD’s “Studies on Water” Reports (2009-2021)
- Big data
- Text analysis & natural language processing
- Visualization