Modeling the formation of respiratory aerosols

Combining expertise from aerosol science, computational fluid dynamics, and software engineering

This workshop will bring together the key players to promote multi-disciplinary collaboration and to specify the scientific, medical, computational, and engineering needs requires to solve the challenge at hand. We aim at hosting a mix of international and local scientists, both senior and early career, as well as students, to create opportunities for exchanges, collaboration, and networking. Required expertise includes aerosol science related to respiratory droplets and their experimental and clinical aspects, mathematical and computational modelling of viscoelastic fluids, and software engineering.

Participating organisations

Delft University of Technology
University of California, San Diego
Netherlands eScience Center
Natural Sciences & Engineering
Natural Sciences & Engineering
University of Cyprus
University of Gothenburg



Stefan Hickel
Principal investigator, Scientific organizers
Delft University of Technology
Chantal Darquenne
Scientific Organizer
University of California, San Diego
Stavros Kassinos
Scientific Organizer
University of Cyprus
Rena Bakhshi
Programme Manager
Netherlands eScience Center
Robin Richardson
Robin Richardson
Senior eScience Research Engineer
Netherlands eScience Center
Anna-Carin Olin
Scientific Organizer
University of Gothenburg
Michelle Grandia
Workshop coordinator
Lorentz Center