Modelling Emerging Societal Systems in Mesopotamia

Gradually developing water systems were fundamental to the development of Mesopotamian southern society in the fourth and third millennium BC, one of the cradles of human civilization. Recent scholarship suggests that these urban-based societies developed within an emerging network of irrigated areas increasing in size and number, with transport connections to move surplus yields being exploited.

Based on available ABM modelling in NetLogo with excellent results in terms of representing Mesopotamian’s irrigation systems, including decisions of farmers to expand farms and canal systems, this project studies conditions for longer-term growth of irrigated landscapes – with longer-term defined as millennia.

Participating organisations

Delft University of Technology
Netherlands eScience Center
Social Sciences & Humanities
Social Sciences & Humanities



Maurits Ertsen
Lead Applicant
Delft University of Technology
Jisk Attema
Programme Manager
Netherlands eScience Center
Olga Lyashevska
Olga Lyashevska
Lead RSE
Netherlands eScience Center
Faruk Diblen
Faruk Diblen

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Updated 4 months ago