Machine Learning for Single Star Scidar

In satellite to ground optical communications, turbulence disturbs the optical beam. The vertical profile of the
turbulence strength is needed to understand the relation to the communications performance. The goal of this project
is to develop a machine learning tool to measure the turbulence profile, using measurements of a communications
beam. Conventional methods resort on light from binary stars, which statistics over time are used in the weak
turbulence regime. What we developed instead, is a machine learning approach, that can work with a single satellite
source, deal with more versatile turbulence conditions, at a high temporal resolution, by utilizing the spatial statistics.
Using this method, we estimate the coherence length of the turbulence with a 10% accuracy. Currently we are in the
process of publishing the code in the Journal of Open Source Software and preparing a journal article for the Journal of
Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments and Systems. In discussions with research institutes and agencies, we know this
work is highly interesting for them. With this profiling tool, we plan to do characterization over an optical
communications link from a satellite to a ground station, and hope this will become a standard tool in an optical
ground station.

Participating organisations

Delft University of Technology
Netherlands eScience Center
Natural Sciences & Engineering
Natural Sciences & Engineering



Rudolf Saathof
Lead Applicant
Delft University of Technology
Simone Ciarella
eScience Research Engineer
Netherlands eScience Center
Rena Bakhshi
Programme Manager
Netherlands eScience Center
Marguerite Arvis
Maximilian Pierzyna
PhD student
Technische Universiteit Delft
Patrick Bos
Technology Lead
Netherlands eScience Center

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SpeckleCn2Profiler revolutionizes satellite communication, combining SCIDAR and AI. By accurately estimating turbulence strength and refining signals, it ensures reliable performance in any environment. Dive into our repository and join the quest to transform optical links.

Updated 3 months ago