Biosynthetic Genomics Visualization and Interoperability with Enhanced Workflows and Scalable software

antiSMASH and BiG-SCAPE are user-friendly tools that help scientists worldwide study microbial genomes. They focus on biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs), groups of genes that encode the production of natural molecules that are important sources of antibiotics, chemotherapeutics and crop protection agents.

antiSMASH analyses the genetic information of microorganisms to identify BGCs, while BiG-SCAPE charts their diversity by similarity-based network analysis.

To enable effective exploration, quantification and navigation of biosynthetic diversity across the biosphere, our goals are to improve BiG-SCAPE's scalability and interoperability with antiSMASH (and other related tools and databases), and to provide researchers with user-friendly output visualizations through a generalized plug-and-play module connected with both tools.

We will also enhance software sustainability by implementing a governance model, improving documentation, and further engaging with the scientific community. This will enable the software to remain a cornerstone technology for scientists to study the chemistry of life and discover new life-saving medicines.

Participating organisations

Netherlands eScience Center
Life Sciences
Life Sciences
Leiden University
Wageningen University & Research


Marnix H. Medema
Lead Applicant
Wageningen University & Research
Gilles van Wezel