Simone Ciarella
This package implements energy-conserving solvers for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on a staggered Cartesian grid. It is based on the Matlab package INS2D/INS3D. The simulations can be run on the single/multithreaded CPUs or Nvidia GPUs.
- Scientific machine learning
- Julia
a Generalized Molecular Dynamics Analysis Tool
- analysis
- molecular dynamics
- python
- + 1
- Python
- Nix
SpeckleCn2Profiler revolutionizes satellite communication, combining SCIDAR and AI. By accurately estimating turbulence strength and refining signals, it ensures reliable performance in any environment. Dive into our repository and join the quest to transform optical links.
- Scientific machine learning
- Python
- Nix
CoupledNODE.jl is a SciML repository that extends NODEs (Neural Ordinary Differential Equations) to C-NODEs (Coupled Neural ODEs), providing a data-driven approach to modelling solutions for multiscale systems when exact solutions are not feasible.
- Julia Language
- Julia Package
- Machine learning
- + 1
- Julia
- Shell
Soil health is essential for infrastructure and plant growth. The UNSAT project aims to improve 3D soil image processing using machine learning and high-fidelity simulation data to study water transport and root-soil interactions during maize growth.
- Data Analysis
- Machine learning
- Python
- Shell
This repository provides a workflow to transform X-rays data originally stored in .TIFF format, into .h5. Overall, this makes the data more compressed and easier to process in machine learning pipelines, such as unsat.
- Optimized data handling
- Workflows
- Python
- Makefile
Julia package to implement Convolutional Neural Operators
- Julia Package
- Machine learning
- Scientific machine learning
- Julia
Implements the Attention mechanism in Julia as a modular Lux layer
- Julia Package
- Machine learning
- Scientific machine learning
- Julia