Sonja Georgievska
Interpretable large scale deep generative models for Dark Matter searches
- generative models
- Machine learning
Massive Biological Data Clustering, Reporting and Visualization Tools
Sequence validation in the DNA barcoding project
- Machine learning
- Visualization
Scoring 3D protein-protein interaction models using deep learning
- Big data
- High performance computing
- Machine learning
Developing an eScience technology platform
- Big data
- Data Analysis
- High performance computing
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Advancing actigraphy-based daily activity and sleep analysis with machine learning
- Machine learning
A new perspective on global vegetation water dynamics from radar satellite data
Global vegetation water dynamics using radar satellite data
- Data assimilation
- deep learning
- Land Surface Model
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Googling the cancer genome
Identification and prioritization of cancer-causing structural variations in whole genomes
- High performance computing
- Machine learning
- Workflow technologies
Remote sensing of damage feedbacks and ice shelf instability in Antarctica
Using remote sensing to develop damage indicators across all Antarctic ice shelves
- Big data
- Climate change
- Data Analysis
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Detecting Anomalous Behavior in Stadium Crowds
Location analytics based on data collected with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth sensors in the Amsterdam ArenA
- Big data
Automated video-based movement assessment
Automated video-based movement assessment using machine learning to support personalized treatment of movement disorders
- Machine learning
Personalized cancer vaccine design through 3D modelling boosted geometric learning
- Geometric Deep Learning
- High performance computing
- Machine learning
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Chasing shadows to investigate glacier change worldwide
- edge detection
- Remote sensing
- satellite images